NON GRATA limited editions of books available! Contact us to place your order: |
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New Non Grata performance bible 2017 - NG / Diverse Universe book 300 x 270 cm colour + b & w There are Non Grata & Diverse Universe actions from US tours, Europe Tours, Asian Tours, writings from all over the world, tons of pictures! Price: 1 book is 60 Euros and 2 books 100.
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Mental Discharge: Diaries of Anonymous Boh II "Anonymous Boh, via non-stop world tours, performances, exhibitions, and publications, has created one of the most representative, significant, timely and transformative art movements in all of history. As Ring Master, Boh has become the Wild Bill Hickok, the P.T. Barnum, the Alfred Jarry, the Tristan Tzara, the Ezra Pound, the Orson Welles of our Era. We have entered The Apocalypse, The Storm. Boh, implementing all The Arts via NON GRATA'S Diverse Universe global performances, reveals to us not only where we presently stand in The Storm but he also conjures visions of our soon to be realized post-apocalyptic absurdly playfully tormented kaleidoscopic landscapes." Ron Whitehead, Outlaw Poet, Kentucky "Al is a grizzly bear with a chain saw in a jack in the box. As dangerous and amusing as that sounds, he's unpredictable, boundless and one step ahead of all who surround him. His stories are real, his madness is real. Just grab hold and enjoy the ride, this journey has many twists and turns and sometimes there are no roads." Andy Cook, Musician and publisher, California Price: EUR 19.99 |
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NON GRATA 1 Paperback: 500 pages, b&w /Voluntary Out of Focus/ The School as Oasis/ "48" H /"14 Days in Cellar"/ "KREE"/ M.A.N. - Multiple Anonymity/ "On Culture, Unculture & Beyond Culture"/ 1998-2002/ Surviving Courses/ Academia Non Grata/ ALEDOIA/ Texts from 1998-2002/ No Identities/ Parodies And Clichés/ Price: 100 eur
NON GRATA 1 Lk. arv: 500 lk, m&v /Vabatahtlikult fookusest väljas / Kool kui Oaas/ "48" H /"14 päeva keldris"/ "KREE"/ M.A.N. – anonüümsus / "Kultuuris, kultuurituses & kultuuri üleselt"/ 1998-2002 / Ellujäämiskursused / Academia Non Grata / ALEDOIA / Tekstid 1998-2002 / Identiteeditus / Paroodiad ja klišeed/ |
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NON GRATA 2 Hardcover: 368 pages 368- page red performance art bible consists loads of articles and essays about Non Grata published in various countries. ART OF THE INVISIBLES/ Làttraction De La Proximitè/ EXIT/ Anonymity, Nudity & Time/ Realm of The Senses/ Non Wanted Personality/ Ghettomarathons/ Unsere Gesamte Europäische Heimat/ Peripherian Narratives/ Kis My Ass You East-European Shit/ Unabomber/ Merging Minds/ Death of the Author/ Time, Space, Movement/ PAX - Asylum/ Aktsion Art Blut/ ALLE GEGEN ALLES/ Det Osynlingas Konst/ Free Will/ Art As A Failure/ Beauty and The Beast/ Kunst Extrem/ Creative Isurgence/ Non Grata meets USA/ The Wall/ Visions of Division/.../ On the line of New York - Boston - San Fransisco - Miami - Louisville - Black Price: 40 eur
NON GRATA 2 Lk. arv: 368 lk 368 - leheline punane performance'I piibel sisaldab artikleid ja esseesid Non Gratast, mis on ilmunud üle maailma. ART OF THE INVISIBLES/ Làttraction De La Proximitè/ EXIT/ Anonymity, Nudity & Time/ Realm of The Senses/ Non Wanted Personality/ Ghettomarathons/ Unsere Gesamte Europäische Heimat/ Peripherian Narratives/ Kis My Ass You East-European Shit/ Unabomber/ Merging Minds/ Death of the Author/ Time, Space, Movement/ PAX - Asylum/ Aktsion Art Blut/ ALLE GEGEN ALLES/ Det Osynlingas Konst/ Free Will/ Art As A Failure/ Beauty and The Beast/ Kunst Extrem/ Creative Isurgence/ Non Grata meets USA/ The Wall/ Visions of Division/.../ Suunal New York - Boston - San Fransisco - Miami - Louisville - Black Hind: 40 eur |
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NON GRATA 3 Hardcover: 352 pages 352-page "Non Grata - Art of The Invisibles 3" Silver Bible contains Estonian performance art group Non Grata's performances in Europe, America and Asia from 2008 to 2011. Texts by Andre, Eric Letourneau, Jonas Stampe, Jonathan Blackwood, Peppe Rosvik, Helja Korshova, John Hancock, Ron Whitehead, Zachary Witthenburg, Carron Little, John Hancock, Ryan O´Malley, Curtis Jones, Raivo Kelomees, Marian Kivila, Anonymous Boh and Ville Karel Viirelaid. Anonymous Boh diaries from the road, in several countries published articles and essays on Non Grata and contemporary performance art. Price: 40 eur
NON GRATA 3 Lk. arv: 352 lk 352-leheküljeline "NON GRATA - Nähtamatute kunst 3" hõbedane tegevuskunstipiibel sisaldab Eesti legendaarse performance rühmituse Non Grata hullumeelsest tegevuskunstist Euroopas, Ameerikas ja Aasias 2008 - 2011. Sisaldab Anonymous Bohi road-päevikuid tee pealt, hulgaliselt välisautorite (Andre Eric Letourneau, Jonas Stampe, Jonathan Blackwood, Peppe Rosvik, Helja Korshova, John Hancock, Ron Whitehead, Zachary Witthenburg, Carron Little jt.) mitmetel maadel ilmunud artikleid ja esseesid Non Gratast ja kaasaegsest tegevuskunstist, lisaks sellele kodumaised üllitised Raivo Kelomehe, Marian Kivila, Anonymous Bohi ja Ville Karel Viirelaiu sulest. Hind: 40 eur |
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ING 1998 - 2009 Hardcover: 132 pages Printmaking In Festival started at the second half of the 1990ies - the goal was to introduce newest explorations of printmaking in so called periphery - Pärnu - because this certain field of fine art is directly connected to technical base that was then considered to exist only in the capital of Estonia - Tallinn. Also, to hype graphic art, which in contemporary art context was seemingly OUT or in periphery (that's why the name Printmaking IN). + Pärnu Days of Contemporary Music 2007 – 2008 Cooperate festivals Pärnu Days of Contemporary Music and Printmaking In as a dialog of modernist and postmodernist visual art and music. The interdisciplinary relationship between music, theatre and visual art studied in lectures, recitals, workshops, discussions, exhibitions and performances. Price: 15 eur
ING 1998 - 2009 Lk. arv: 132 lk Festivali käimalükkav idee 1990. aastate II poolel oli "perifeerias" ehk siis Pärnus trükkimiskunsti uusimaid saavutusi propageerida – kuna kunstiliik on otseselt seotud tehnilise baasiga, mis tollal arvati eksisteerivat vaid Tallinnas. Samal ajal propageerida ka graafikat, mis kaasaegse kunsti kontekstis kippus ise "perifeeriasse" jääma, out olema (sellest ka nimi – IN ….). + Ühendfestivalid In Graafika ja Nüüdismuusika Päevad kui (post)modernistlik kujutava kunsti ja muusika dialoog. Interdistsiplinaarne ühendus läbi muusika, teatri, visuaalsete kunstide, loengute, töötubade, seminaride, näituste ja performance'ite. Hind: 15 eur |
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DIVERSE UNIVERSE 2005 – 2009 Hardcover: 132 pages Diverse Universe European Tour is a nomadic performance festival, traveling through the- East-South-West and North Europe, uniting artists from all-across the World. The Festival is sharing high quality Performance Art and Live Art with audiences from all over Europe in different cities. Interviews with Kim Baeki - KOPAS (South Korea) , Rachel Hoffman (USA), Erik Hokanson (USA), Marcel Faundez (Chile), Augustine Brinklov (Germany), Fred Pinault (France), Saskia Edens (Switzerland), Steve Vanoni (USA), Travis McCoy Fuller (USA / IT), Jill McDermid (USA), Joseph Sledgianowsky (USA), Guido Casanova Solar (Chile) Articles by Thomas Millroth (Sweden), Yrr Jonasdottir (Iceland), Ernest Truly (USA), Orion Maxted (England), Marian Kivila (Estonia), Andre Eric Letourneau (Quebec), Sylvie Ferre (France), Nadege Derderian (France), Joan Casellas (Spain), Sylvain Breton (Quebec) Price: 15 eur
DIVERSE UNIVERSE 2005 – 2009 Lk. arv: 132 lk (kõvakaaneline) Diverse Universe Performance Festival on iga-aastane rändav festival, mis ühendab endasse Põhja-, Lõuna-, Ida-, ja Lääne-Euroopa. Intervjuud: Kim Baeki - KOPAS (Lõuna Korea) , Rachel Hoffman (USA), Erik Hokanson (USA), Marcel Faundez (Chile), Augustine Brinklov (Saksamaa), Fred Pinault (Prantsusmaa), Saskia Edens (Sveits), Steve Vanoni (USA), Travis McCoy Fuller (USA / Itaalia), Jill McDermid (USA), Joseph Sledgianowsky (USA), Guido Casanova Solar (Chile) Artiklid: Thomas Millroth (Rootsi), Yrr Jonasdottir (Island), Ernest Truly (USA), Orion Maxted (Inglismaa), Marian Kivila (Eesti), Andre Eric Letourneau (Quebec), Sylvie Ferre (Prantsusmaa), Nadege Derderian (Prantsusmaa), Joan Casellas (Hispaania), Sylvain Breton (Quebec) Hind: 15 eur |
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DIVERSE UNIVERSE Paperback: 108 pages Part 1 : Diverse Universe European Tour Diverse Universe European Tour is a nomadic performance festival, traveling through the- East-South-West and North Europe, uniting artists from all-across the World. The Festival is sharing high quality Performance Art and Live Art with audiences from all over Europe in different cities – Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu - Estonia, Riga - Latvia, Vilnius, Jonava, Alytus - Lithuania, Bialystok - Poland, Praque, Kolin - Czech Republic, Berlin, Leipzig - Germany, Paris, Toulouse, Marseille, Rennes - France, Nijmegen, Eindhoven, Rotterdam - Netherlands, Barcelona, Bilbao - Spain, Stockholm - Sweden, Bergen - Norway, Vaasa, Pori – Finland, London - England Diverse New York collects together diversity of live art from Big Apple and from all over the World – America, Europe, Asia and Africa + Extra Non Grata Nomadic Performances and Lectures all over America and Canada. Price: 15 eur
DIVERSE UNIVERSE Lk. arv: 108 lk Osa 1 : Diverse Universe Euroopa Tuur Diverse Universe Performance Festival on iga-aastane rändav festival, mis ühendab endasse Põhja-, Lõuna-, Ida-, ja Lääne-Euroopa. Festival kaasab üle 200 kunstniku üle maailma ja ühendab 15 linna kümnes riigis. Diverse New York kogub kokku live kunsti erilaadsuse Suurest Õunast ja kogu maailmast – Ameerika, Euroopa, Aasia ja Aafrika + Extra Non Grata performance'id ja loengud üle Ameerika ja Kanada. Hind: 15 eur |
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PÄRNU FIDEOFEST 1998 - 2010 Hardcover: 132 pages The concept that launched the Pärnu Film and Video Festival in the 1990s was to lose the defined and institutional borders between film and video art, narrative and conceptualism, professionals and profane ones, artists and cinema freaks. This energetic pluralism on a small territory – refuting and clearing out hierarchies, defining common grounds or confrontation – was a new thing in Estonia at the time and was met with incredible reactions, when viewed in retrospect. A whole new concept was formed for this purpose – the 'fideo festival'. Price: 15 eur
PÄRNU VILMI & FIDEOFESTIVAL 1998 - 2010 Lk. arv: 132 lk Pärnu Filmi- ja Videofestivali käimalükkav idee oli 90ndatel kaotada tollal väga määratletud ja institutsionaalsed piirid filmi- ja videokunsti, narratiivse ja konsteptualismi, proffide ja profaanide ning kunstnike ja kinofriikide vahel. See energeetiline pluralism väikesel territooriumil – hierarhiate ümberlükkamine ja selgeksrääkimine, ühisosa või konfrontatsiooni määratlemine – oli tollasel eesti audiovisuaalmaastikul täiesti enneolematu nähtus ja tekitas tänapäeva olukorrast vaadates üsna uskumatuid reaktsioone. Tema jaoks loodi eesti keelde koguni uus termin – fideofestival. Hind: 15 eur |
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Storm Generation – diaries by Anonymous Boh Paperback: 172 pages "With his NON GRATA/Diverse Universe International School of Performing Arts headquartered in Estonia, Al Paldrok aka Anonymous Boh, via non-stop world tours, performances, exhibitions, and publications, has created one of the most representative, significant, timely and transformative art movements in all of history. As Ring Master, Al Paldrok has become the Wild Bill Hickok, the P.T. Barnum, the Alfred Jarry, the Tristan Tzara, the Ezra Pound, the Orson Welles of our Era. We have entered The Apocalypse, The Storm. Al Paldrok, implementing all The Arts via NON GRATA'S Diverse Universe global performances, reveals to us not only where we presently stand in The Storm but he also conjures visions of our soon to be realized post-apocalyptic absurdly playfully tormented kaleidoscopic landscapes. Come journey now, take a walkabout through Al Paldrok's WE ARE THE STORM GENERATION: The Anonymous Boh Diaries." Ron Whitehead, outlaw poet. |
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10 NEW COMMANDMENTS by Anonymous Boh Paperback: 62 pages Anonymous Boh starts from the beginning, by coming out with New 10 Commandments – Contemporary Surviving Rules. Nowadays the problems of contemporary human being are mainly connected with 2000 years old operating instructions which best before is long gone. Along the example of Bible, the visualization is sent to alliterated. After all the artist gives 100 % quarantine that the formula of happiness works if to follow the rules without exception and incontrovertibly. Price: 10 eur
10 NEW COMMANDMENTS Anonymous Boh Lk. arv: 62 lk Anonymous Boh võtab ette ja algab algusest, tulles välja uue 10 käsuga (Kaasaegsed Ellujäämise Reeglid). Tänapäeva kaasasegse inimese probleemid on seotud suuresti sellega, et tegutsemisjuhised on 2000 aastat vanad ja "parim enne" ammu möödas. Piibli eeskujul saadab käske visualiseering kirjaoskamatutele, igal juhul annab kunstnik kaasa 100% garantii, et õnne valem töötab, kui käske eranditult ja vastuvaidlematult järgida. Hind: 10 eur |
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