12. Rahvusvaheline Pärnu Fideo- ja Vilmifestival 2006

12th International Pärnu Fideo and Vilm Festival



ORION MAXTED (uk) &ldquoratioNAL&rdquo
20-23 Nov 2 pm / 14.00

With protoPLAY, the artists collective I co-started, we have been engaged in trying to develop ways to stimulate collaborative creativity. This work focuses a lot on examining the differences and connection between different peoples work, blurring these distinctions in order to learn about the work and to mass-produce possibilities. Then there is the question of managing and realising these possibilities some how. This relates to my personal interest in measurement &ndash which shares its
etymological roots (via Greek at least) with understanding and logic. &ldquoratioNAL&rdquo. And then how humans in a particular society go about measuring,
and then alternative methods of measurement other than standardised arbitrary units, such alternatives are found (and can understand) in music
art and mathematics. A lot would depend on how many people their were, how much I could communicate in English, and what the participants personal interests and practices were in the first place.
For the workshops, I have had an idea, which comes out of the performance I am doing now which fits with video, and performance, basically the structure would be something like filming ordinary actions in the workshop and or in the street, and then copying them again, and simplifying them, making a new video. The idea could be to question how &lsquocompetent&rsquo the beings in the video are at being human. And to ask how (and to start to ask why) particular actions and sounds end up becoming archetypes, which we compare ourselves too, and we try, and finally become socialised into. I have a few other ideas around this which might make into something, like taking sound (from films) into the street on a ghetto-blaster and making the live world into a performance, with a interventionist sound installation.

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Cnopt (EST)
17. nov kl 21.00 - 18. nov kl 9.00

Low-tech video ja helindamine "Pime pilt ja ööhääled"
Low-tech video and sound

  Tegeleme ööhelide puhastamisega öörahu häirimisega ja videole lisamisega. Lisaks veel low tech efektid ja punk rokk. (kui huvilistel on olemas musta materjali siis võib kaasa võtta!)

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