kõik näitused toimuvad Pärnu Mudaravilas festivali toimumise ajal ehk siis 18-19 nov 2006
all exhibitions are taking place in Pärnu Old Mud Baths during the fideo festival, i.e. 18-19th Nov 2006
HAPPY ART põhineb Eestis populaarsel TV talk- showl HAPPY HOUR, mida juhtis Eestis kuulus telestaar Urmas Ott. Nüüdseks on selle saate tegemine lõpetatud. Saadet HAPPY HOUR külastasid tavaliselt hetkel kuulsad tegijad- poliitikud, lauljad, näitlejad jne. HAPPY ART- i olid kutsutud nn. kunstimaailma tegijad- kuraatorid, kunstnikud, institutsioonide juhid.
Kokku sai tehtud viis saadet ja igas saates oli kaks külalist.
Saated on valminud 2005 aasta oktoobris Tallinnas kohvikus Viiralt.
The best of Happy Art
Vastamata küsimused- saates ainult küsimused, mis jäid esitamata - Kunstnike Liidu presidendile Jaan Elkenile, KUMU direktorile Sirje Helmele, Eesti Ekspressi kunstitoimetajale Harry Liivrannale ja Kaasaegse Kunsti Eesti Keskuse direktorile Johannes Saarele.(40 min.)
Intervjuu ajakirja Kunst.ee peatoimetaja Heie Treieriga (23min.)
Intervjuu Kunstiakadeemia professori ja kunstniku Leonhard Lapiniga (31min.)
Telefoni intervjuu Kaasaegse Kunsti Eesti keskuse direktori Johannes Saarega.(7min.)
HAPPY ART is based on a popular Estonian TV talk-show HAPPY HOUR led by famous TV star Urmas Ott. The original show has been discontinued since 2006. The guests in the original talk-show were people that were currently popular, famous and infamous – politicians, singers, actors etc. Similarly, HAPPY ART invited people currently popular and important in the art world – curators, artists, people leading various art institutions.
HAPPY ART contains 5 different shows, every show has 2 different guests. The shows were recorded in October 2005, in Viiralt caffee in Tallinn.
The best of HAPPY ART
„Unanswered questions”, this show contains questions that were not answered because respective persons refused to come to the show. The questions were meant for Jaan Elken, head of Estonian Artists’ Association, Sirje Helme, director of KUMU, Harry Liivrand, journalist, and Johannes Saar, director of Estonian Center for Contemporary Arts. (40 min).
Interview with Heie Treier, editor in chief of Kunst.ee. (23 min)
Interview with Leonhard Lapin, artist and professor at the Estonian Academy of Art. (31 min)
Phone interview with Johannes Saar, director of Estonian Center for Contemporary Arts. (7 min).
JOHNNY AMORE (gER) "heimatschlaf"
/.../ And I told you if you are having a need in exibitions in the festival that I have one which fit to my movies "heimatschlaf" and when I will come in november that you can it. And out of that exibition serie I was sending you 10 examples as pdf. That's it. /.../