Kultuuritehas Polymer Katlamaja
Kultuuritehas Polymer on iseseisev linnakultuurikeskus, mille teatris, kontserdisaalides, kinos, ateljeedes, stuudiotes, galeriides ja treeningsaalides leidub tegevust kõigi kultuurivaldkondade esindajatele. Kultuuritehase käsutuses on mitmeid ruume, performancefestivali Diverse Universe II üritus Off-topic toimub Katlamajas.

Culture Factory Polymer Boiler-house
Culture factory Polymer is an independent urban cultural centre welcoming activities from all fields. We have a theatre, art gallery, concert halls, a printing studio, gymnasium, cinema and other facilities to encourage true versatility of disciplines. At Culture Factory's disposal are several venues, performance festival Diverse Universe II event Off-topic will take place in Boiler-house.

Katlamaja asukoht
Tallinn, Põhja pst, Energeetikamuuseumi kõrval (vt kaarti allpool)

Location of Boiler-house
Tallinn Põhja Puiestee Street, next to the Museum of the Energetics (see map below)

Veel pilte Katlamajast / More pictures of Boiler-house

Veel infot Katlamajast

photos by Anonymous Boh



Performance Festival Diverse Universe II official website / 2.-9.06.2006 Tallinn-Pärnu, Estonia / web & graphic design by Siram